Fairview Avenue Bridge Replacement
The Fairview Avenue Bridge, a 500-foot, wooden supported bridge in the City of Seattle, is being replaced to mitigate structural concerns. The replacement bridge is under construction with completion expected in 2021.
During the Project’s TS&L (Type, Size, and Location) Phase Greenbusch collected background vibration data as well as airborne and underwater sound levels. The results of these measurements were used to evaluate potential impacts from the Project’s construction. During Final Design, ground vibration testing was conducted on the lake bottom to assess how efficiently vibration transferred from the sediment to the adjacent building structure, less than ten feet from the new bridge envelope. Greenbusch also analyzed traffic noise emissions from the new bridge.
Analysis results were used for SEPA/NEPA and permitting. Greenbusch provided support for all project phases: TSL, SEPA/NEPA, Predesign, Design and Construction.
Noise & Vibration Consulting
Seattle, WA
Orion Marine Group
Delivery Method
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