Colman Dock Renovation

Work continues on the Colman Dock Renovation. Pictured above, Greenbusch staff performing airborne noise and hydroacoustic (underwater noise) measurements of in-water impact pile driving construction activities. A total of 500 steel piles will replace the aging timber piles, with the pile driving occurring during a fish window (narrow time window) when species are less likely…

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Pier 62

The photos show before and after of the newly completed Pier 62, which is now open to the public. Greenbusch measured airborne and underwater (hydroacoustic) sound levels during the demolition of the old pier and during the installation of the new piles with vibratory and impact pile drivers (center photo).

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Grant High School

Grant High School is one of eleven projects across Oregon state to be awarded the DeMuro award which is the state’s highest honor for the preservation, reuse, and revitalization of architectural and cultural sites. Greenbusch provided acoustical, audio/video systems design and vertical transportation design to the Mahlum team. The DeMuro Awards @Home Party will be…

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