Ship Canal Water Quality Project
The Ship Canal Water Quality Program (SCWQP), a shared program between Seattle Public Utilities and King County, will reduce the amount of combined sewer overflows into nearby waterways. The 18’ 10”, 2.7 mile underground storage tunnel will prevent up to 75 million gallons of polluted water from entering the Ship Canal, Salmon Bay and Lake Union each year.
Greenbusch provided Noise and Vibration services for the environmental and design phases of the project.
Phase I: Greenbusch conducted baseline noise and vibration measurements that were used to assess the potential for noise and vibration impacts at nearby properties from the Project’s construction and operation. The firm also authored the Project’s SEIS Noise and Vibration Section, which contains the results of the noise and vibration impact assessment as well as the baseline measurements (2015-2017).
Phase II: Greenbusch provided final design which involved a more detailed investigation into potential vibration impacts from tunneling, predicting operations sound levels and specifying noise mitigation as required to comply with the Seattle Municipal Code.
Now in construction, Greenbusch is providing Vertical Transportation consulting for the Pump Station elevator conveyance.
Noise & Vibration Consulting,
Vertical Transportation Consulting
Seattle, WA
$570 million
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.,
McMillen Jacobs Associates
Delivery Method